Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor amazed everyone with the blockbuster performance of their first collaboration for the horror-comedy Stree. The movie took everyone with surprise and entered the 100 crore club with ease. While everyone is awaiting the sequel of...
'Shiddat- Journey Beyond Love' is a love story directed by Kunal Deshmukh and Produced by Dinesh Vijan. Dinesh has already delivered three hit movies so far- Hindi Medium, Stree and Lukka Chuppi.
The ensemble cast includes Sunny Kaushal, Radhika Madan,...
Actor Rajkummar Rao, who gave us a fantastic 2018 with Maddock Films' blockbuster 'Stree', will be collaborating with Dinesh Vijan again in his upcoming horror-comedy titled 'Rooh-Afza', co-produced by Mrigdeep Lamba.
Seems like the actor is on a roll with...
Canadian beauty Nora Fatehi who set the floor on fire and broke social media records with her sensational dance number ‘Dilbar Dilbar’ in 2018, has recently joined the cast of Remo D'Souza's dance franchise Any Body Can Dance a.k.a...
After the immense success of 'Stree', Rajkumar Rao is all prepped up to sway the audience along with Mouni Roy and Boman Irani with his upcoming movie ‘Made in China’.
National Awardee Mikhil Musale’s 'Made in China’ illustrates the chronicle...
'Dangal' director Nitesh Tiwari is all set to come back with his upcoming directorial venture 'Chhichhore' starring Sushant Singh Rajput and Shraddha Kapoor in lead roles.
Produced by Nadiawala Grandson Entertainment (NGE) and presented by Fox Star studios, the team...
After the successful run of 'Stree', which is Shraddha Kapoor's second highest grossing movie post 'Aashiqui 2', the actress is all set to play National level Badminton player Saina Nehwal in her biopic. This would be Shraddha's second biopic...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...