Earlier producer Rashmi Sharma revealed that she is working on a second season to the popular daily soap, Saath Nibhaana Saathiya, and the second season is going to have Devoleeena Bhattacharjee and Rupal Patel reprising their popular characters of Gopi...
Sidharth Shukla was one of the most controversial contestants in the Salman Khan hosted reality show, Bigg Boss 13, and despite getting criticized for the makers being biased towards him, he emerged as the undisputed winner of the celebrity-based...
The thirteenth season of the celebrity-based controversial reality show, Bigg Boss, has been making headlines for the longest now. As the Salman Khan hosted reality show inches towards its grand finale, the contestants are fighting with each other to take...
Recent rumours suggesting that Leonardo DiCaprio would appear in Squid Game 3 have been officially dismissed by Netflix. Reports had surfaced claiming the Hollywood...