Karan Johar, the heartbeat of the Hindi Entertainment Industry, has announced that three new artists will be joining his team at Dharma — actors Shanaya Kapoor, Lakshya Lalwani and Gurfateh Pirzada from the upcoming film Bedhadak. Sharing first a...
The youngest member of the Kapoor family, Shanaya Kapoor, has been active on social media for some time and has garnered an immense fan following with her photoshoots. Meanwhile, there have been rumours of her Bollywood debut for the...
Ananya Panday recently made her dream debut with Karan Johar's Student of the Year 2 and gained recognition for her performance in the movie. However, with fame, she also became a soft target for cyber harassment and is subjected to...
With the entertainment sector becoming competitive every day, it can become daunting to stand out from the crowd and draw attention towards your skillset....
After the massive success of Shaitaan, Devgn Films and Panorama Studios are reuniting for an exciting new project titled Jhalak. This horror-comedy promises to...