Renowned veteran actress Shabana Azmi met with an unfortunate accident on Saturday and was rushed to the intense care unit. While the news broke down the entire entertainment industry into tears, the actress is to have improved since her...
Nowadays, Bollywood is more inclined towards recreating originals than coming up with an original storyline. Following the trend, director Revathi is all prepped for the remake of Arth, an autobiography by Mahesh Bhatt starring Shabana Azmi, Smita Patil and...
Madmidaas Produced Short film 'Aunty Ji' directed by Adeeb Rais, starring legendary actor Shabana Azmi and Social media sensation, the very talented Anmol Rodriguez is a definite eye opener to human behavior and their actions in general.
'Aunty Ji' is...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...