The industry woke up to the tragic news and shock as renowned music composer of Sajid-Wajid fame, Wajid Khan, left for heavenly abode. Wajid took his last breath at Surana Sethia Hospital in Mumbai post suffering from a kidney...
In one of the most tragic news, noted music composer, Wajid Khan, of Sajid-Wajid musical duo passed away leaving the entire industry in shock and grief. The musician was admitted to Surana Sethia Hospital in Mumbai after his condition...
The entertainment industry received another blow as we lost one of the most talented music director, Wajid Khan. Son of Ustad Sharafat Ali Khan and the member of the renowned musical duo, Sajid-Wajid, was rushed to a hospital in...
Recent rumours suggesting that Leonardo DiCaprio would appear in Squid Game 3 have been officially dismissed by Netflix. Reports had surfaced claiming the Hollywood...