Indian actor Ram Charan and renowned director S Shankar recently announced their collaboration for the producer Dil Raju and the fans were overwhelmed with joy. Making another announcement on the cast of the movie tentatively titled 'RC 15', the makers...
Pan-India movie, RRR, has been making headlines for many months for its grand scale and stellar cast. The magnum opus, Roudram Ranam Rudhiram, is one of the most anticipated movies and fans have been eagerly waiting for it to release....
Tollywood superstar Ram Charan has gone under self-isolation amid the filming of his next, Acharya, with Chiranjeevi. The actor is reportedly shaken by the unfortunate demise of his personal vanity van driver due to COVID-19 and he has gone under...
Post the humongous success of the action-thriller Baahubali: The Begining and its sequel, filmmaker S. S. Rajamouli is working on another period action drama and the audiences are leaving no stones unturned to build up the hype. While motion posters...
Ram Charan is one of the most loved actors in the southern part of the Indian film industry and the actor loves to interact with his fans and other superstars of the industry. While everyone has been confined to...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...