After the gigantic success of the Baahubali franchise, Prabhas gained pan India recognition and fans eagerly wait for his projects. The actor has been teasing posters of his upcoming period romance film, Radhe Shyam, for a while now and the...
Prabhas had always been a renowned face in the southern film industry but after the humongous success of the Baahubali franchise, he became a Pan India superstar. While the actor has a list of upcoming anticipated movies, his romantic drama...
Prabhas's next romantic-drama with renowned director Radha Krishna Kumar with Pooja Hegde as the female lead has been creating buzz for years now. On Friday morning, the makers unveiled the first look poster of the fresh pair in royal...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...