Shashank Khaitan's upcoming comedy-drama, Mr Lele, has been hitting roadblocks ever since the project was announced. Earlier, Varun Dhawan decided to walk out of the movie and later the new cast acquired Coronavirus during the filming followed by a...
Shashank Khaitan directorial comedy-drama, Mr Lele, has been going through uncertainty for the longest. The movie was announced last year with the first look poster featuring Varun Dhawan, however, the actor walked out of the movie and it was on...
The nationwide lockdown enforced to contain the spread of Coronavirus last year created mayhem for filmmakers and many projects which were about to get on the floors went to the attic. Following the ill-fate of many projects, a couple...
Varun Dhawan's last two outings received cold responses at the box office and the actor is working hard to make a comeback with his upcoming movies. While the actor is gearing up for the remake of the classic comedy, Coolie...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...