Starring Akshay Kumar in the lead, horror-comedy Laxmmi Bomb was highly anticipated and weeks ago the trailer of the movie dropped online. While the comic trailer of the movie was loved by the fans but soon the movie fell into...
While Akshay Kumar's upcoming horror comedy, Laxmmi Bomb, continues to be the centre of attraction for all the good and bad reasons, the makers are leaving no stones unturned to promote the movie with all they have got. However, as...
The pandemic followed by a nationwide lockdown in India caused huge losses to everyone and the entertainment industry turned out to be one of the most affected sectors. While the government issued relaxations in a number of activities despite...
With the advent of Coronavirus, the entertainment industry was amongst the first to be affected by the viral pandemic. While shootings for movies and other production activities have been halted since mid-March, movies which were scheduled for a theatrical...
Akshay Kumar is on a spree with back to back big banner movies. While the actor is promoting his next release Mission Mangal which is slated to a release date of 15 August, he already had Sooryavanshi, Housefull 4, Good News and Laxmmi Bomb in...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...