The stunt-based television reality show, Khatron Ke Khiladi, is one of the most successful series in Hindi television and previous seasons have managed to pull high TRPs with its breathtaking stunt tasks. While the COVID-19 has slowed down the production...
After the current season of the celebrity-based reality show Bigg Boss went phenomenally viral, contestants are enjoying enormous popularity. While very few knew about model turned actor Asim Riaz before his stint in the reality show hosted by Salman Khan, he...
The stunt-based reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi is all prepared to make its way back to the television screens with the tenth season and as expected, the stunts are going to be more challenging than ever. While the 10th season...
Former cricketer Yuvraj Singh was in the news recently when he announced his retirement from cricket last week and broke millions’ heart. However, he is again making headlines but for an entirely different reason.
After the success of Khatron Ke...
Shruti Haasan, who impressed audiences with her role as Aadhya in the action-packed Salaar, has addressed growing curiosity about the film’s second instalment. Fans...
Hrithik Roshan, one of Bollywood’s most versatile actors, is currently immersed in filming the much-anticipated War 2, a part of the YRF Spy Universe....