English actor Tom Holland is currently living a very busy life with a lineup of highly-anticipated movies in the making. While the 24-year-old actor is currently filming the third instalment of his Spiderman franchise, which is getting bigger and...
Hollywood action franchise, John Wick, has been one of the most sought-after revenge drama with probably the most number of headshots in any action movie. While the third instalment of the Keanu Reeves starter franchise ended on an unexpected note...
While the entire nation is confined to their houses amid the Coronavirus pandemic, people are finding it hard to cope their time being at home for three weeks. Meanwhile, Bollywood celebrities are doing their part to entertain their fans...
Priyanka Chopra has become an international star and the actress has been hitting the right chords in both the Indian and international screens. While the long-legged lady was last seen alongside Farhan Akhtar in the romantic drama, The Sky Is...
The Matrix franchise has been one of the most loved and widely popular movie series in the global entertainment market. The trilogy helmed by Wachowskis gained critical and commercial success around the globe and made a name for Keanu Reeves,...
The Matrix trilogy has been one of the most successful series in the history of Hollywood and made a name for the lead cast Keanu Reeves. The much-loved series concluded with a third instalment, The Matrix Revolutions, in the...
Keanu Reeves has been one of the most loved celebrities around the world and his fans have always wanted him to be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Now the head of MCU has expressed the same intention...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...