Featuring John Abraham, Abhishek Bachchan and Priyanka Chopra in the leads, the 2008 romantic comedy, Dostana, was an instant hit amongst the audience and the after a decade, the makers decided to add a sequel to the franchise with a...
Bollywood actors Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor shared screen space for the first time in the horror-comedy, Roohi. While the movie failed to live up to the expectations of the fans and had a poor business at the box office...
Janhvi Kapoor proved her acting mantle with her much-awaited Bollywood debut, Dhadak, and she has been experimenting with her characters at the early stage of her acting career. The actress, who had her last outing in a horror-comedy, is preparing...
Movie buffs are elated with the first theatrical release after the government allowed theatres and multiplexes to operate at full capacity. Adding to the excitement of watching a Bollywood movie on the big screen, actor Rajkummar Rao is leaving...
Varun Dhawan's last two outings received cold responses at the box office and the actor is working hard to make a comeback with his upcoming movies. While the actor is gearing up for the remake of the classic comedy, Coolie...
Post the success of Shahid Kapoor starrer Kabir Singh, the original movie Arjun Reddy gained recognition along with its actor Vijay Deverakonda. While Vijay has been a known name in Southern part of the Indian film industry, he has been getting...
While the speculations for the cast of the second instalment of the comedy-drama, Dostana, were shooting high, producer Karan Johar earlier announced that Kartik Aaryan and Janhvi Kapoor will take the mantle forward with Dostana 2. However, the third actor in...
Janhvi Kapoor made her dream debut in the acting industry under the Karan Johar's production banner and has a number of Bollywood movies in her kitty. The actress who gained popularity even before entering the glamour world has been...
Janhvi Kapoor has been hitting the right chords after her dream debut with Dhadak under the Dharma Productions banner and has a number of big projects in her kitty. Janhvi will soon be seen alongside Rajkummar Rao in the horror-comedy RoohiAfza...
Pyaar Ka Punchnama famed actor Kartik Aaryan is on a roll with remakes and reboots of blockbuster movies up his sleeve. Kartik has already busy with the shooting of the remake of classic hit Pati Patni Aur Woh and...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...