S. Shankar is a well-known name in the South Indian film industry and rose to fame in pan-India after his visionary movie, Robot. While the filmmaker is in demand by several film producers, he finds himself under legal dispute...
Weeks ago, a dreadful accident on the sets of Kamal Haasan starrer Indian 2 shocked the entire Indian film industry. Three people were killed while nine were injured in the unfortunate accident when a crane reportedly fell on the technicians...
Last week, the Indian film industry witnessed a tragic accident on the sets of Kamal Haasan starrer Indian 2. After a crane crashed during the shooting of the upcoming movie, three crew members lost their lives and the entire...
The Indian film industry woke up to tragic news as three assistant directors met with a fatal accident on the sets of Kamal Haasan starrer Indian 2. As per the early reports, three men died in the unfortunate incident with...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...