Krrish franchise is one of the most successful superhero series in the Indian film industry with Hrithik Roshan in the lead role. While the first three instalments of the franchise were loved by the audience, it was announced by...
Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff starrer War took a great start at the box office and lived up to the expectations after building a great hype. While the actors had invested quite many efforts to promote the actioner, the movie...
It is common to see our favourite B-Town stars all glammed up in front of the paparazzi as they always look uber cool with their style and poses. However, there are some rare moments when even the biggies of...
The ugly spat and controversial history of Hrithik Roshan and Kangana Ranaut are not hidden from anyone. The ex-flames defamed each other with shocking personal conversations that surfaced online and resulted in a legal battle between the two. While...
Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff starrer actioner War has successfully built the buzz around it and is one of the most awaited movies of the year. While the director puts Hrithik and Tiger against each other in the action-packed drama,...
The third instalment of the action-thriller franchise, Race, became one of the most controversial movies because of its performance at the box office. Salman Khan starrer Race 3 received entirely negative reviews from the critics and audience, alike. However, the movie...
Yash Raj Films managed to bring two action stars of Bollywood, Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff, together for their upcoming actioner War, which is speculated to be one of the most-anticipated movies of the year. While a short of the...
Hrithik Roshan is having a great year as his much-awaited movie, Super 30, finally made its way to the big screens and opened with some great reviews from critics and audience. Meanwhile, the movie is performing great at the...
The much-awaited teaser of the Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff starrer Yash Raj Films' upcoming action thriller is out and it is just as we had expected. The earlier known as 'Hrithik Vs Tiger' project locked an official title...
Ever since renowned director and producer Rohit Shetty announced a collaboration with another renowned director Farah Khan, everyone had been waiting for more revelations of the project. It was later revealed that they are coming together for the remake...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...