Fukrey is undoubtedly one of the most successful comedy franchise of the Bollywood industry which bought an unexpected success at the box office. While the characters of the first instalment gained recognition for their relativity to the youth, the...
Priya Anand is an established Indian film actress who has made her mark in Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, and Hindi language movies. The gorgeous actress has a huge fan following and at a recent event, she gave hints about...
The Fukrey franchise is one of the most loved comedy movie series of Bollywood and after the success of Fukrey and Fukrey Returns, the makers of the comedy franchise are planning on the third instalment of the movie and during the media...
Actor Rajkummar Rao, who gave us a fantastic 2018 with Maddock Films' blockbuster 'Stree', will be collaborating with Dinesh Vijan again in his upcoming horror-comedy titled 'Rooh-Afza', co-produced by Mrigdeep Lamba.
Seems like the actor is on a roll with...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...