The trailer of the much-awaited movie Bala starring Ayushmann Khurrana released a while ago and created a lot of buzz around the subject. While the makers of the movie were accused of copyright violation by the producers of Ujda Chaman as...
The Punjabi musical duo, Indian based singer Zora Randhawa and British music producer Dr Zeus, has once again collaborated for another single, Patake, which will be released under the T-Series label.
The duo has produced a number of superhit Punjabi...
The Brit Punjabi-Indian music composer Dr. Zeus after giving out smashing hit numbers like 'Woofer' (2017) , 'Nakhra Nawabi', 'Lado Rani' and 'Tha Tha Tha' earlier this year has added five more songs to the blockbuster album 'Global Injection'...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...