Featuring John Abraham, Abhishek Bachchan and Priyanka Chopra in the leads, the 2008 romantic comedy, Dostana, was an instant hit amongst the audience and the after a decade, the makers decided to add a sequel to the franchise with a...
Dharma Productions' sequel to the successful comedy-drama, Dostana, has been one of the most anticipated movies in the making. While the movie was announced in late 2019, the production came to a halt after the pandemic induced lockdown. Meanwhile, the...
Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan is currently at the pinnacle of his acting career with a list of movies under his belt for competition. While the actor is currently filming a sequel to the popular horror-comedy, Bhool Bhulaiyaa, while his recently...
Coronavirus halted the entire entertainment industry after the World Health Organization declared the viral outbreak a pandemic. While the filmmakers and leading film bodies have decided to suspend all shoots from March 19 to 31 as a safety precaution,...
While the speculations for the cast of the second instalment of the comedy-drama, Dostana, were shooting high, producer Karan Johar earlier announced that Kartik Aaryan and Janhvi Kapoor will take the mantle forward with Dostana 2. However, the third actor in...
Rajkummar Rao is a gem to the Bollywood industry who is known for his acting potential. The actor is prepping up for his upcoming thriller release but he has been in news for a different reason lately. Rajkummar Rao...
Pyaar Ka Punchnama famed actor Kartik Aaryan is on a roll with remakes and reboots of blockbuster movies up his sleeve. Kartik has already busy with the shooting of the remake of classic hit Pati Patni Aur Woh and...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...