Taika Waititi's directorial Thor: Love and Thunder marks the fourth instalment of the MCU's Thor franchise making it the biggest of all. The makers are leaving no stones unturned to make it the next big thing in the superhero format and...
The fourth instalment of the popular superhero franchise and part of MCU, Thor: Love And Thunder, is one of the most anticipated movies in the making. While the movie already has a number of superstars like Chris Hemsworth, Christian...
Christian Bale is the chameleon of Hollywood who is best known for his transformations and spellbound performances. The actor, who is considered to be the perfect caped crusader in DCEU, has joined Marvel's Cinematic Universe as the supervillain, Gorr-...
A while ago, Marvels announced their line-up of movies for phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe which is to commence with the full-fledged movie of comic-based assassin character, Black Widow. While MCU fans cannot wait for the movies...
Ever since Robert Pattinson has been roped in to play the caped crusader in the Matt Reeves' Batman movie, everyone has been going crazy with the decision. While a few considered the calibre of the actor, the majority have...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...