Hosted by superstar Salman Khan, Bigg Boss, is one of the most controversial shows of the Indian television industry and the current season of the celebrity-based reality show has been getting great response from the target audience. While the thirteenth...
Arhaan Khan had been one of the most talked and controversial contestants of the current season of the celebrity-based reality show, Bigg Boss. While the actor was evicted from the madhouse last week, he was accused of duping and misusing...
After the current season of the celebrity-based reality show Bigg Boss went phenomenally viral, contestants are enjoying enormous popularity. While very few knew about model turned actor Asim Riaz before his stint in the reality show hosted by Salman Khan, he...
Bigg Boss is one of the most controversial reality shows that air on Indian television and without a doubt, the thirteenth season of the show is no different. Bigg Boss 13 is enjoying a great response from the audiences and...
Bigg Boss 13 has been making headlines lately for its share of controversies and just like any other season of the celebrity-based reality show, the current season is no different. Housemates of the madhouse are stooping to newer levels...
While the thirteenth season of the controversial celebrity-based reality show, Bigg Boss, has been making headlines for every reason lately, former contestant Arhaan Khan had a shocking exit from the madhouse. However, he maintained to stay in the limelight even...
Bigg Boss has always been a controversial reality show and in every season, the madhouse has witnessed numerous ugly spats and violent drama among a few lovable elements. While the thirteenth season of the show is getting a great...
Salman Khan is the powerhouse of not only Bollywood but the small screen as well. Bigg Boss which is synonymous to the actor has recently got a five weeks extension after a sudden TRP hike and enormous popularity. However, it...
Hosted by Salman Khan, Bigg Boss 13 maintained its controversial take from the very beginning and recently made it to the top 10 list of highest TRPs issues by BARC. While the contestants of the celebrity-based reality show are busy...
Bigg Boss has been one of the most talked and controversial reality shows of the nation and the ongoing season of the show is no different. While the makers of the celebrity-based reality show announced new schemes for the...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...