Umar Riaz has become a household name. He has garnered a lot of popularity, credits to Bigg Boss. While Umar was one of the most popular contestants, he was ousted by the makers after he got violent with Pratik...
Sidharth Shukla was one of the most controversial contestants in the Salman Khan hosted reality show, Bigg Boss 13, and despite getting criticized for the makers being biased towards him, he emerged as the undisputed winner of the celebrity-based...
Post the tremendous success of the thirteenth season of the celebrity-based reality show, Bigg Boss, runner-up Asim Riaz gained humongous popularity for his stint in the show hosted by Salman Khan. While even Hollywood star and wrestler, John Cena, shared pictures...
The most-watched and controversial celebrity-based reality show, Bigg Boss 13, had its grand finale just a while ago but controversies have not left the side of the Bigg Boss contestants even now. Just yesterday, the reality show contestant, Mahira Sharma,...
The enormously popular and one of the most successful reality shows, Bigg Boss 13, recently concluded with Sidharth Shukla getting crowned the winner of the celebrity-based reality show. However, before the craze for the finalists could go down among the Bigg...
Superstar Salman Khan has been synonymous to the reality show, Bigg Boss, for the longest but the latest report can be harsh for the Bigg Boss fans as the Dabangg Khan has decided to step down as the host of the...
One of the most popular celebrity-based reality show, Bigg Boss 13, is about to end its extended runtime as it inches towards its grand finale. While unline earlier seasons, there are six finalists for the controversial season and if early...
The thirteenth season of the celebrity-based controversial reality show, Bigg Boss, has been making headlines for the longest now. As the Salman Khan hosted reality show inches towards its grand finale, the contestants are fighting with each other to take...
Bigg Boss 13 has been getting a great response and the current season of the controversial celebrity-based reality show turned out to be one of the most successful series in history. While the show is inching towards its grand...
The thirteenth season of the celebrity-based reality show, Bigg Boss, has been making headlines lately and considered one of the most controversial seasons of the show in history. While the show had an extension of its runtime owing to...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...