Coming together of the mightiest heroes of the DC Extended Universe in one of the most anticipated movies of 2017, Justice League, saw the team of superheroes joining hands to defeat the evil supervillain character of Steppenwolf. However, the movie...
Ever since Matt Reeves announced a standalone Batman live-action movie, everyone has been eagerly waiting for more updates. While the decision of casting Robert Pattinson as the new cape crusader bugged many, the actor was later accepted by the...
Ever since Robert Pattinson has been roped in to play the caped crusader in the Matt Reeves' Batman movie, everyone has been going crazy with the decision. While a few considered the calibre of the actor, the majority have...
After becoming the heartthrob of millions of teenage girls playing the character of Edward Cullen in the movie Twilight, Robert Pattinson is in talking terms with the director to play the new Batman in the forthcoming Warner Bros. superhero movie...
DC Universe's upcoming superhero web series 'Titans' starring Australian actor Brenton Thwaites in the lead as Robin, will be releasing this October on Netflix, world's leading entertainment streaming platform.
After the murder of his parents in the acrobats circus by...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...