After the success of Bahubali series, Prabhas earned international recognition for portraying the titular character in an epic high budget fantasy thriller. After a gap of two years, Prabhas is back with another epic thriller, Saaho, which is claimed...
After the massive success of the Bahubali series, Prabhas reached newer heights with international recognition and soon he will be seen in another epic movie which is considered the most expensive movie in India till date.
A glimpse of Prabhas...
The much-awaited Telugu film, Nishabdam, helmed by director Hemanth Madhuka commenced its shooting in the United States on Saturday. The news has been confirmed by the production house Kona Film Corporation through its official Twitter handle.
Happy To announce our...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...