Tiger Shroff is currently working the sequel of his debut movie, Heropanti, and he will commence filming another instalment to his Baaghi franchise once Heropanti 2 is wrapped up. Meanwhile, the makers of Baaghi 4 are currently in talks with Sara Ali Khan...
The Baaghi franchise has become a trademark of Tiger Shroff ever since his debut in Bollywood with action-comedy, Heropanti. While the later is getting a sequel after years, the makers of Baaghi franchise has already begun working on the fourth instalment...
Baaghi is one of the most loved and successful franchises of Bollywood's action star, Tiger Shroff, and the actor is currently awaiting the release of the third instalment to his blockbuster franchise. While the makers are leaving no stones...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...