After the success of the iconic revenge thriller, Ek Villain, the makers announced a sequel with an entirely new cast and the fans have been excitedly waiting for the same. The mantle will be carried forward with John Abraham, Arjun...
Horror-comedy Bhoot Police recently premiered on the OTT giant Disney+ Hotstar and the makers are already prepared for a sequel. Featuring Saif Ali Khan and Arjun Kapoor as ghosthunters, Bhoot Police 2 has been confirmed by the producer Ramesh Taurani.
In a...
Actor Arjun Kapoor talks about he has relived his childhood memories through his films. The actor's new release “Sardar Ka Grandson" streamed digitally yesterday and he said the film is dedicated to his grandmothers.
The actor shared that he feels...
Actress Neena Gupta definitely doesn’t shy away from portraying a nonagenarian role in her upcoming film "Sardar Ka Grandson". Gupta believes that nowadays, actors too are picking roles that are unconventional just like the way filmmakers did.
Neena plays...
Actor Arjun Kapoor who has recently signed the film “Sardar Ka Grandson" says he did so, for his grandparents. Kapoor strongly believes that a story can be told more beautiful if an actor relates to it. It doesn’t necessarily...
Actor Arjun Kapoor has made a huge impact with his 2012 debut role in Ishaqzaade and impressed the audience with his performance in a couple of other films such as Aurangzeb and 2 States. However, his last few outings such...
It was earlier informed that Arjun Kapoor and John Abraham are coming together for the first time for a cross border love story. The movie, which is to be helmed by debutant director Kaashvie Nair, went on the floors...
While the ongoing pandemic has left everyone agitated, many renowned Bollywood celebrities have been tested positive for the novel Coronavirus. While yesterday, Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor made a public announcement that he has tested positive for the virus, his...
Released in 2014, Mohit Suri directorial thriller drama, Ek Villain, was an instant hit amongst the cine-goers and a success at the box office. While the dark thriller starred Sidharth Malhotra, Shraddha Kapoor and Ritiesh Deshmukh in the prominent characters,...
Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora are one of the power couples of the tinsel town who are officially dating each other for a while now. Although Arjun and Malaika kept their relationship under wraps for long, their appearance at India's...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...