Actor Anshuman Jha will be next seen working with filmmaker Harish Vyas for the third time in the film, titled, "Hari-Om". Vyas and Jha have earlier collaborated on projects such as "Hum Bhi Akele Tum Bhi Akele" and "Angrezi...
Actor Anshuman Jha, who is playing a gay man in the recently OTT-released film Hum Bhi Akele Tum Bhi Akele, claims that he was warned by a certain Bollywood bigwig to keep himself away from such a role and...
Bollywood actress Zareen Khan has been experimenting with her onscreen characters for some time and the actress has recently decided to take on some social taboo with her next. The Hate Story 3 actress will be seen in a fresh...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...