Renowned 'King' of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, has been on a self-imposed sabbatical for many years as Zero was the last release of the superstar. While the actor has been enjoying his life with his family, his fans have been...
Ananya Panday made her debut opposite Tiger Shroff under the Karan Johar's production banner and she has been working hard ever since. After the release of the school-drama Student of the Year 2, Ananya Panday started working on her second...
Tiger Shroff is one of the most popular actors in the Bollywood industry who was last seen in the school drama Student of the Year 2 alongside Ananya Panday and Tara Sutaria. While the actor is awaiting the release of...
Ananya Panday recently made her dream debut with Karan Johar's Student of the Year 2 and gained recognition for her performance in the movie. However, with fame, she also became a soft target for cyber harassment and is subjected to...
Ananya Panday made her dream debut under the Karan Johar banner in the student drama Student of the Year 2 alongside Tiger Shroff and debutant Tara Sutaria. The movie failed to live up to the expectations but Ananya Panday made...
Ananya Panday made her debut in the Bollywood industry with Karan Johar’s high spirited school drama Student Of The Year 2 alongside debutant Tara Sutaria and Tiger Shroff. While the actress managed to get an appreciation for her performance...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...