After the humongous success of Kabir Singh, Shahid Kapoor has been one of the busiest bees of the B-town with a number of ambitious projects under his belt. While the actor is currently filming for his digital debut helmed by...
Bollywood filmmaker Ali Abbas Zafar has been leading a busy life with back to back projects lined up for production. The filmmaker had earlier announced signing Katrina Kaif for a female-centric superhero movie tentatively titled, Super Soldier, and follow up...
After directing Salman Khan in blockbuster Bollywood movies like Sultan, Tiger Zinda Hai, and Bharat, ace-filmmaker Ali Abbas Zafar is all prepared to make his way to the OTT platform with web-series, Tandav. While the Amazon Prime Video's web-series with Saif Ali...
Katrina Kaif has been one of the most promising actors at the box office and after the announcement that she will be playing a superhero in Ali Abbas Zafar's next, her fans went berserk. While Katrina will be playing...
It was earlier informed that renowned filmmaker Ali Abbas Zafar roped in Katrina Kaif to a superwoman character in his upcoming actioner and the movie is set to go on the floors earlier next year. While the makers are...
Renowned 'King' of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, has been on a self-imposed sabbatical for many years as Zero was the last release of the superstar. While the actor has been enjoying his life with his family, his fans have been...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...