Vaani Kapoor touched the pinnacle of her success in the Indian entertainment industry last year as she was cast opposite Hrithik Roshan in the blockbuster action-drama, War. While the actress had limited screen time in the movie, she played a...
Akshay Kumar is one of the most respected and successful actors of the Bollywood industry and his movies are loved by one and all. However, his upcoming period drama based on the real-life of Indian ruler, Prithviraj Chauhan, drew...
The entire world is suffering from Coronavirus outbreak and recently the World Health Organization declared the viral disease a global pandemic. While more than 112 countries are affected by the deadly disease, WHO encourages to avoid public gatherings to...
Meezaan Jaffrey made his Bollywood debut with Sanjay Leela Bhansali directorial Malaal and after getting critical acclamation for his performance in the movie, Meezaan is all set to diversify his acting with his next in the comedy genre. The...
Akshay Kumar is undoubtedly one of the busiest actors in the Bollywood industry and he has been announcing back to back big banner movies for a while now. While the actor shoots multiple movies simultaneously, he makes sure to...
Akshay Kumar has been on a roll lately with back to back movie announcements. While the actor is currently busy shooting for Rohit Shetty's cop-drama, Sooryavanshi, he has finalized multiple projects for the next year. The latest report suggests that...
Bollywood industry is getting bigger and broader with every year and so is the number of movies that releases every year. While clashes between two big banner movies have become common in the Indian entertainment industry, the makers try...
The Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif starrer cop-drama, Sooryavanshi, had been in the headlines for a while. The third instalment to the cop universe of filmmaker Rohit Shetty brings together Ajay Devgn, Ranveer Singh and Akshay Kumar on the...
The ultimate adventure and survival English television show of Bear Grylls enjoys enormous popularity among the entire world and after the episode with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi aired, the show has achieved a niche audience in India. With...
Akshay Kumar is on a roll with back to back movie announcements. The actor recently announced the new release dates for his upcoming movies, Bell Bottom and Bachchan Pandey, and Thursday came out as another surprise for his fans. Akshay Kumar will...
Shruti Haasan, who impressed audiences with her role as Aadhya in the action-packed Salaar, has addressed growing curiosity about the film’s second instalment. Fans...
Hrithik Roshan, one of Bollywood’s most versatile actors, is currently immersed in filming the much-anticipated War 2, a part of the YRF Spy Universe....