Akshay Kumar led cop-drama, Sooryavanshi, co-starring Ranveer Singh and Ajay Devgn finally gets a release date after getting pushed for months owing to the pandemic crisis. In a recent social media announcement made by Akshay Kumar informing his fans about...
In unfortunate news, Akshay Kumar's mother Aruna Bhatia passed away on Wednesday at the Hiranandani Hospital after suffering ill health for a long time. While the cause of her death is being reported as old age in the initial...
The 2012 comedy-drama, OMG: Oh My God!, has a separate fan base for its unique plot and the movie remains a memorable experience for all age genders. After a decade, the makers have decided to turn it into a...
Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar recently had his much-awaited outing with the spy thriller, Bell Bottom, and marked the first movie to be released in the theatres after the second wave of the Coronavirus pandemic. While the movie is still...
The cinema industry was the first to be affected by the ongoing pandemic crisis and remains one of the most hit sectors of the country. While the film producers moved to OTT platforms to release their movies, distributers and...
The slick trailer of Pooja Entertainment's espionage thriller Bellbottom dropped online and it has blockbuster written all over it.
This Akshay Kumar starrer, slated for a big-screen release on August 19, is all set to regale audiences in a 2D and...
Akshay Kumar is the busiest of the actors in the Indian film industry and he has signed almost a dozen projects, some of which are due for release, while the majority of them are under production. While it was...
Akshay Kumar and Suniel Shetty have worked together in a number of memorable movies and the duo have been the crowd's favourite in movies like Hera Pheri, Dhadkan, Awara Pagaal Deewana among others. While the two haven't shared the screen for...
Akshay Kumar has been the crowd favourite for years as the actor manages to do every genre of movies. However, his upcoming release, Prithviraj, has found himself embroiled in controversy for its title along with the makers. While Kshatriya Mahasabha...
Akshay Kumar has been one of the busiest actors in the town for decades and despite the ongoing pandemic, Akshay has all his dates booked for the next two years. While the actor finished filming his upcoming spy thriller,...
Sky Force, starring Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya, has exceeded expectations with an impressive opening-day collection at the Indian box office. Despite the...