Nowadays, Bollywood is more inclined towards recreating originals than coming up with an original storyline. Following the trend, director Revathi is all prepped for the remake of Arth, an autobiography by Mahesh Bhatt starring Shabana Azmi, Smita Patil and Kulbhushan Kharbanda in the lead roles.
While Revathi has herself stepped into the shoes of Shabana Azmi in the Tamil remake of the 1982 film Arth, the Hindi version is expected to have Swara Bhaskar onboard for the character played by Shabana Azmi in the original movie.
A close source to Swara Bhaskar revealed that Swara has watched Arth a couple of times and she was hooked to the project when it was proposed to her. However, she is yet to sign the contract but she is verbally bound to the remake.
Another source had earlier hinted that Jacqueline Fernandez has been approached for the role played by Smita Patil in the original film Arth. If the news comes true, it will be a delight to watch Swara, Jacqueline and Revathi collaborating for the first time for the remake of Arth. The movie is expected to go on the floors by the end of this year.
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