Last month, talent Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput reportedly killed himself in his Bandra residence. While the actor’s unfortunate and untimely demise was considered suicide in the initial inquiry but later the police was forced to probe any professional rivalry. Although there had been no apparent evidence to prove that it was not an open and shut case of suicide, the late actor’s fans maintained their protest to bring justice to Sushant Singh Rajput.
Many celebrities and political leaders also demanded a CBI probe in the actor’s death mystery and with the support, Lawyer Alka Priya had filed a PIL in the Supreme Court seeking a CBI inquiry in the case. Today, the Supreme Court panel heard the PIL and Alka Priya was told to let the police complete their investigation without interference. The lawyer also insisted that Sushant had done a lot of philanthropy work for the children and requested his contribution to be honoured with a CBI inquiry. However, Chief Justice S Bobde dismissed the appeal by saying that the case had nothing to do with one’s personal choices.
Meanwhile, Sushant Singh’s family who haven’t requested for a CBI inquiry till date recently lodged an FIR against actress and Sushant’s alleged girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty and her family. The late actor’s father KK Singh accused the Chakraborty family of cheating his son financially and mentally harassed him which lead to the unfortunate incident. The FIR was filed under Sections 341, 342, 380, 406,420, 306 and 120 (B) of the Indian Penal Code and Patna Police is conducting their independent investigation in the suicide case.
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