Bollywood actor and the BJP MP from Gurdaspur revealed on Wednesday that he has been tested positive for COVID-19 and urged people in close proximity to get themselves tested. While the actor didn’t mention any symptoms, he assured his fans that he is healthy and under isolation.
Taking to the micro-blogging website, Sunny Deol tweeted, “I got the corona test done and the report came positive. I am in isolation and my health is fine. I request that all of you who have come in contact with me in the last few days, please isolate yourself and get your test done (English translation).” It was earlier reported that the actor underwent shoulder surgery in Mumbai and was at his farmhouse near Manali for recovery.
मैंने कोरोना टेस्ट करवाया और रिपोर्ट पॉजिटिव आई है। मैं एकांतवास में हूं और मेरी तबीयत ठीक है। मेरा अनुरोध है कि आप में से जो भी लोग गत कुछ दिनों में मेरे संपर्क में आयें हैं, कृपया स्वयं को आइसोलेट कर अपनी जाँच करवाएं।
— Sunny Deol (@iamsunnydeol) December 2, 2020
On the work front, Sunny Deol was last seen in the action-thriller Blank and it was recently confirmed by the Deol family that they will be coming together for a sequel to Apne. “With the blessings of Babaji and your love, all of us will be seen together, again. Feeling blessed to get a chance to work with my father, brother again this time with my son. #Apne2, in cinemas Diwali 2021,” Sunny had tweeted earlier.
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