Following the footsteps of Ali Fazal, Bollywood actor Suniel Shetty is all prepared to mark his debut in Hollywood with the upcoming cop-drama Call Centre. The actor was last seen in the Kannada language film Pehlwaan after a sabbatical of four years.
Suniel Shetty started shooting for the project last month and the first schedule of the movie is being shot in Hyderabad. In the movie based on a real-life multicrore call centre scam, Suniel will play a Sikh cop who will be assigned to investigate and bust the scam.
A source close to the development of the project revealed that the plotline of the movie will revolve around four men who robbed an America-based company and US agencies were involved in the investigation but Indian police busted the scam.
Prominently shot in the English language, the Jeffery Chin directorial, Call Centre, is expected to wrap by the end of this year and will be released next year only.
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