Bollywood actor Suniel Shetty recently filed a complaint against production house, Balaji Media Films Pvt Ltd, for using his photo as the lead of a movie poster without his permission. According to official reports, the accused production house was circulating a fake film poster in the actor’s name for raising money.
When the poster came across Suniel Shetty, he immediately filed a complaint against the production house for using his popularity for money without his consent. The alleged poster went viral in no time and attracted many talents and investors. While the FIR has been registered, the police have started probing the matter thoroughly and are hoping to get a hold of the culprits.
The fake poster of the movie titled, Vineeta, was circulated with the production house registered with a similar name to that of popular filmmaker Ekta Kapoor, creating confusion amongst the audiences and the entertainment fanatics. The actor has further alleged that he was never approached for the movie and the production house has also blocked numbers of his team confirming that it was not a far-fetched thought.
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