Leaving everyone intrigued with an unexpected confession, daughter of renowned Hollywood director Steven Spielberg, Mikaela, recently revealed that she has chosen her career as an adult film industry actress. She made the revelation during her recent interview with The Sun as she confessed that she had already begun self-producing adult videos.
The 23-year-old Mikaela further added in her confessions that she would love to become a dancer at a strip club and waiting to obtain her sex worker license. “I got really tired of not being able to capitalize on my body and frankly, I got really tired of being told to hate my body. And I also just got tired of working day today in a way that wasn’t satisfying my soul,” she shared during the interview.
Mikaela said that she couldn’t stay dependent on her parents but also added that her decision to be an adult film actress was not her last resort but rather a more ‘positive, empowering’ choice. Talking about her parents’ reaction to her decision, Mikaela said that her father Steven Spielberg was intrigued with her confession but ‘wasn’t upset’ with her decision.
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