Earlier today, it was informed that renowned Indian film critic Rajeev Masand has been rushed to ICU after facing severe effects of COVID-19. The Bollywood celebrities were quick to respond to the unfortunate news and wished Masand a speedy recovery. However, in the nick of time, the unfortunate news started trading on Twitter for all the wrong reasons.
A group of Twitterati referring to themselves as the fans of Rajput wished ill health for the film critic spreading hatred at the micro-blogging website. The users target Masand for writing articles against Sushant Singh Rajput before his unfortunate demise. While Rajeev Masand is battling COVID-19 for his life, such users called it ‘karma’. However, many celebrities and another group of Sushant Singh Rajput came forward and condemned such inhuman attacks.
The users condemning such tweets wrote that Sushant would never have wished for such fans. Meanwhile, many celebrities and influencers came forward in support of Rajeev Masand and said that wishing ill for anyone in such a condition is disgusting and inhuman.
I have no doubts that Sushant, who was mercilessly bullied, trolled, and was a helpless victim of blind articles by #rajeevmasand, would wish Rajeev a speedy recovery.
We wish Rajeev a speedy recovery because we believe in love, not hate.
— Juggy Shiva (@WoodDied) May 3, 2021
#rajeevmasand I was critical about his views on Sushant but pray to God for his recovery. Let’s behave as humans and not demons . Every life is precious and when we will apricaite this if not now.?
— Abhishek Vyas (@abhishekv30) May 3, 2021
#rajeevmasand is trending. #SSRians plz refrain from making any kind of negative statements at this point of time, it will catch headline. Last thing we all would want for SSR’s name it should not get cropped up for wrong reasons.
Pray for him else don’t say anything.— Surabhi? (@surabhi82707088) May 3, 2021
I have never met #RajeevMasand. Have never been a fan of how he reviewed films. But wishing him ill when the man is in critical condition is disgusting and inhuman. Grow up people. I pray for his speedy recovery.
— Rifat Jawaid (@RifatJawaid) May 3, 2021
We wish Rajeev Masand a speedy recovery from COVID-19.