South Korean survival drama series, Squid Game, has been creating a strong buzz across the globe and has surpassed many superhit shows in merely weeks. The Netflix show made the fans more curious about the already growing craze towards the South Korean culture and movies which turned significant after the success of Parasite at the 2020 Academy Awards. Following the craze and success of Squid Game, the fans are eagerly waiting to see the lead of the show, Lee Jung-jae, in more projects.
The cast of Squid Game became an overnight sensation after the show went viral over the social media networks for its content and the performance of the actors. Lee Jung-jae, who plays the protagonist Gi-Hun in the movie, has been the crowd favourite for the righteous heart of his character and the fans have been eagerly waiting to see him in more projects. There has also been a buzz that Lee Jung-jae has been offered many Hollywood projects and the actor opened up on the same recently.
Talking about getting projects from Hollywood production houses, the 48-year-old actor reveals that no projects have come his way so far. “No proposals or requests have come my way,” Jung-jae told Variety. He further added that he would love to be a part of international projects if the right script comes along. “I’d be happy to be in overseas production. It could be fun,” he adds.
Talking about the success of Squid Game, Jung-jae adds that he hadn’t expected the current craze but had anticipated the success. “I didn’t expect this kind of success at all when I first boarded ‘Squid Game’ as a project. But when I read the script, I understood that it contained elements that could resonate with everyone and work outside of Korea,” said Jung-jae.
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