A while ago, Indian actors, Ajay Devgn and Kiccha Sudeep, engaged with each other over the micro-blogging website, Twitter, and debated the country’s national language. While Kiccha Sudeep had claimed that Tamil should be India’s national language after the success of recently released movies, RRR and K.G.F: Chapter 2, Ajay Devgn responded with his support for Hindi as the national language. Though the two resolved their differences like gentlemen, singer Sonu Nigam has now shared his opinions in the debate with a valid point.
In a recent event for FICCI Flo, singer Sonu Nigam was asked about his opinion on the recent national language row between Ajay Devgn and Kiccha Sudeep. Responding to the question, Sonu asked everyone to ‘not divide the people and country further’. Treating both the languages with respect, Sonu added, “First I don’t think that it is written anywhere in the constitution of India that Hindi is our national language. As far as I know and the experts I asked, nowhere is it written. But, Hindi is the most spoken language. Having said that, are we aware that Tamil is the world’s oldest language, there is a debate between Sanskrit and Tamil.”
He further asked everyone to not create unnecessary differences within the country and said, “Now, do we face fewer issues with other countries that we want to raise issues within our own country? Why do this? Why have these discussions? Why make enemies within your own country by classification? Let people speak in whichever language they want, let them chill. Our courts pass judgment in English, in flights the air hostess speaks English, and they do not speak Hindi. English has become part of our culture, we need to accept this. Let’s not divide people in this country; there are already enough issues to deal with, we don’t need more.”
Watch His Response:
Perfect response to Ajay Devgn by Sonu Nigam: Let’s not divide people further in this country, where is it written that Hindi is our national language? ? pic.twitter.com/hC9nHbXJHy
— Sushant Mehta (@SushantNMehta) May 2, 2022
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