Renowned filmmaker Om Raut announced an epic saga based on the mythological story of Ramayana last year and the stellar star cast has made it one of the most anticipated movies in the works. Featuring Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Saif Ali Khan and Sunny Singh in the magnum opus makes it one of the biggest mythological films and the scale is getting even bigger with more stars joining the cast. The latest in the inclusion is Jannat actress Sonal Chauhan who has joined the team officially.
Confirming the news and sharing the excitement to be a part of Adipurush, Sonal Chauhan said, “Yes, I’m a part of Adipurush and I’m excited about it. It’s a very different world from the kind of work I’ve done so far. I am sure the audience will enjoy the magnum opus that is Adipurush.”
Helmed by Om Raut, Adipurush marks the first outing of Sonal Chauhan in a mythological project and the makers are happy to have her on board playing a key role. Alongside the lead trio, Devdatta Nage and Vatsal Sheth will also be playing a key role in the movie. The epic drama is slated for a release in 2023. Meanwhile, Sonal will also be seen alongside Nagarjuna in The Ghost.
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