Indian filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali is known for his scale of movies and his upcoming project titled, Heera Mandi, has been the talk of the town for its casting. While many A-listers have been rumoured to be a part of the drama, Sonakshi Sinha has been roped in to play the female lead.
According to a source close to the development of the movie, Sanjay Leela Bhansali has approached the Dabangg actress to play the protagonist and she has reportedly given her nod. Sanjay and Sonakshi have earlier collaborated for the blockbuster drama, Rowdy Rathod, and shared a great professional rapport. However, an official announcement is yet to be made.
Once the dotted line is signed, Sonakshi will be undergoing training for Kathak to perform Mujras in the Heera Mandi. The filmmaker reportedly is inspired by Pakeezaah but the but Heera Mandi will showcase a completely different setup. Along with Sonakshi, Huma Qureshi will also be seen playing a key role in the movie.
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