Earlier producer Rashmi Sharma revealed that she is working on a second season to the popular daily soap, Saath Nibhaana Saathiya, and the second season is going to have Devoleeena Bhattacharjee and Rupal Patel reprising their popular characters of Gopi Bahu and Kokilaben. While recently, an edited video of the duo made by Yashraj Mukhate went viral over the internet, the production house has paced their developments.
As per a report, Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla has been approached by the team to play the lead character in the second season of the popular drama. The source adds that Sidharth is the first choice of the makers to play the part and they are working on a primary discussion with the actor. The makers are planning to launch the new season of the show on the occasion of Diwali and hunt for the cast is currently on the full swing.
While the makers are not leaving no stones unturned to bring onboard renowned faces, the source adds that the upcoming season will be set in the modern times with a completely different feel in comparison to the first season which premiered in 2010. Devoleena Bhattacharjee recently shot a short teaser for the show as well and is reported to be back as a modern Gopi.
With a stellar cast and the recent viral video from the show, the second season is likely to get more traction than the previous one which aired at an early slot but managed to become one of the most followed shows.
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