Sidharth Shukla was one of the most controversial contestants in the Salman Khan hosted reality show, Bigg Boss 13, and despite getting criticized for the makers being biased towards him, he emerged as the undisputed winner of the celebrity-based reality show. After almost a month that the show concluded, Sidharth opened up on the criticism that he faced.
In an exclusive interview with the entertainment portal, Pinkvilla, Sidharth Shukla said that the makers of the celebrity-based reality show were not biased towards him and he deserved the win. “Seeing my journey, I don’t think it could have been biased because if you go on track everyone’s journey inside the house, I have had quite a journey and I have done it the way the best I could,” the actor said.
The Dil Se Dil Tak actor further added that those who didn’t want him to take home the trophy started making false claims because ‘grapes are sour’. “Those who isn’t supporting you, they want different result and when it doesn’t happen that way, they try to put it on something like that. That’s exactly what would happen in the house too. It is nothing new. It is just a classic case of grapes are sour,” the actor added.
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