Television actors, Siddharth Nigam and Avneet Kaur, enjoy a great fan following on their respective social media handles and they have been very active at the social video sharing platforms. While the duo gained momentum with their show, Aladdin – Naam To Suna Hoga, Avneet had to opt-out of the show due to the pandemic. Much relief to their fans, Siddharth and Avneet are coming together for a music video.
Sharing a BTS picture from their upcoming music video, Siddharth Nigam shared, “Coming soon ??? #sidneet @avneetkaur_13 Only on official YouTube channel Sung by very talented @abhiduttblive Guess the song.” In the shared picture, Siddharth can be seen sporting a french beard and a colourful shirt while Avneet is stealing the show with her de-glam look in a traditional dress. Avneet also shared a B&W picture from the music video on her social media handle featuring her and Siddharth.
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Siddharth and Avneet had shared great onscreen chemistry in their popular show and the two had been enjoying a great fan following for playing the characters of Aladdin and Yasmine. However, during the first wave of the pandemic, Avneet decided to prioritise her wellbeing after being affected by dengue and walked out of the show last year.
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