Lovebirds Siddharth and Aditi Rao Hydari are rumoured to have exchanged vows at the historic Sri Ranganayakaswamy Temple in Telangana, as per Telugu news reports. Their romance reportedly blossomed during the filming of the 2021 Telugu movie Maha Samudram, sparking speculation among fans. Despite initially keeping their relationship private, it appears to have progressed to this reported marriage.
The couple selected a profoundly meaningful venue for their reported union. The Sri Ranganayakaswamy Temple holds special significance for Aditi Rao Hydari, as her family has deep connections to the temple, with her maternal grandfather being the last ruler of Wanaparthy Sansthanam. The 18th-century temple also reflects Siddharth’s Tamil heritage, with reports indicating that priests from Tamil Nadu officiated the ceremony.
Although Aditi and Siddharth have not officially acknowledged their relationship, a heartwarming social media exchange last year hinted at their deepening bond. On Aditi’s birthday, Siddharth referred to her as his “partner” in a post, and she reciprocated the affection on his birthday. Reports suggest they have been living together for a significant period.
Congratulations have been pouring in for the rumoured newlyweds. According to reports, the couple may make an official announcement about their marriage this evening. We eagerly await confirmation from the couple themselves!
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