Shraddha Kapoor has been hitting the right chords lately with back to back movies. The actress who appeared in Saaho and Chhichhore recently was in talks with Luv Ranjan for the upcoming untitled movie starring Ajay Devgn and Ranbir Kapoor in the leads. However, the latest reports suggest that the actress has walked out of the project.
According to a report published by Mid-Day, Shraddha Kapoor was approached by the renowned director Luv Ranjan to play the lead in the Ajay Devgn and Ranbir Kapoor starrer and she had reportedly given her nod as well. However, a source close to the development of the movie suggests that Shraddha Kapoor has opted out of the movie for another big project.
Reportedly, Shraddha Kapoor has been roped in to play Sita in the multicrore period drama Ramayan and since both the movie will be shot at the same time, Shraddha had to make a decision and she chose Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayan over Luv Ranjan’s untitled project. However, we are still awaiting official confirmation on the same.
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