Renowned filmmaker Shankar’s son-in-law Rohit Damodaran has been booked under the POSCO Act (The Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses) for allegedly sexually harassing a 16-year-old girl at his cricket club. The minor has registered a case against him along with his father and 3 others and an investigation is being carried out by the officials.
As per the report, the victim had been sexually harassed while she went for cricket coaching at a cricket club. Rohit Damodaran is apparently the captain as well as the owner of the Madurai Panthers cricket team in question while his father is the secretary of the club. The other three named in the complaint includes the cricket coach, Thamarai Kannan. A case was registered by the victim at the Mettupalayam Police Station in Puducherry on Tuesday.
The girl has alleged that she was harassed while she had gone for the coaching and the accused threatened her with dire consequences if she filed a complaint against them. The victim further alleges that she wrote a letter to the Child Welfare Committee after receiving threats, however, she continued to receive messages from the coach of the cricket club and also alleges that her parents were ‘blackmailed’ to discourage her from registering a complaint.
Rohit Damodaran married filmmaker Shankar’s eldest daughter Aishwarya in June early this year. The grand wedding was attended by chief minister M.K. Staling and other celebrities in Chennai.
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