Ever since Sony Pictures announced a live-action movie of India’s most famous superhero, Shaktimaan, the fans have been going crazy over it. While the project is still in the planning stage and the makers are working on ensembling a worthy team to take the desi superhero to the big screen, the production house released a short animated teaser along with the exciting announcement. Adding to the excitement of the fans, the latest report suggests that the makers are in talks with Minnal Murali fame filmmaker Basil Joseph to direct the keenly-anticipated movie.
According to a report published by Pinkvilla, the makers of Shaktimaan approached filmmaker Basil Joseph after the critical success of the Malayalam-language superhero film Minnal Murali. Quoting a source, the report stated, “Basil is well versed with the world of Indian Superhero Films and is a big fan of Shaktimaan himself. The director has already met the Shaktimaan team multiple times and is keen to come on board the film.”
The producers have reportedly asked Basil to come up with his own version of the screenplay and the team will proceed accordingly on the visual and story-telling front. The dotted line will be signed once both parties are happy with the expected terms and what they bring to the table. While the makers are paying critical attention to the director’s hunt, the lead cast for the movie is also being worked upon and Ranveer Singh is currently the top choice to play the titular character.
According to sources close to the development of the project, Ranveer Singh is currently the top preference to play the superhero on the silver screen and he is likely to hear the final draft before making any commitments. However, there has been no confirmation from either side till now. If the movie lives up to the expectations of the fans, we might see more Indian superheroes on the big screen soon.
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