While Shahid Kapoor is still basking in the success of romantic-drama, Kabir Singh, he has a diversity of upcoming projects lined up for the next year. While the actor will be returning to the big screen with more anticipated characters, he is also prepping for his digital debut with the filmmaker duo, Raj and DK.
It was earlier announced that Shahid Kapoor will be sailing the trending boat of OTT platforms and will be making his digital debut with Amazon Prime’s original web series. The latest report from a source close to the development of the project informs that the makers of the web-series have a title to work with. As per the information, the team has finalized a title for the web series and it is tentatively titled Gavar which translates to ‘illiterate’.
The action thriller web series features Shahid Kapoor and Vijay Sethupathi in the key roles and both the actors have reportedly signed the project. The filming is expected to start in the first month of 2021 across Mumbai and Goa. Shahid has also shuffled his dates for the web series as he was earlier shooting for Karan Johar’s Yoddha in January next year before he opted out from the project.
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