Bollywood star Shahid Kapoor made an unexpected appearance at a screening of the movie Jab We Met, which surprised and delighted his fans. Social media was abuzz with chatter about the incident, with many fans referring to it as something “special.”
PVR Cinemas organized a “Valentine’s Day Film Festival” in 25 cities throughout India in the lead-up to Valentine’s Day. Among the films that were re-released in theatres were classics like Titanic, Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, Tamasha, Jab We Met, and Ticket to Paradise. Shahid took to Instagram to share a video of himself at the Jab We Met screening and wrote, “Jab We Met 16 years later.”
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Jab We Met, which was released in 2007, is a romantic comedy that starred Shahid and Kareena Kapoor. It was a box-office success and remains a beloved film among fans to this day. The movie’s story, performances, and soulful music continue to captivate audiences, even after all these years.
Shahid expressed excitement at seeing fans celebrating and dancing in theatres while watching Jab We Met. He responded to a fan’s video of a packed cinema, saying, “Too special.” According to reports, Shahid surprised moviegoers by showing up at theatres after attending a screening of Kartik Aaryan’s Shehzada.
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