Television actor Shaheer Sheikh and girlfriend Ruchikaa Kapoor is one of the most talked-about couples of the industry and the two has been spending quality time together owing to the Coronavirus-induced lockdown. While Shaheer Sheikh had recently made his engagement with Ruchikaa Kapoor official with a social media post, the lovebirds are now officially husband and wife as they exchanged the vows in a court marriage.
The fans of Shaheer Sheikh are elated with the good news as the actor has married his love, Ruchikaa Kapoor, in a court marriage owing to the restrictions of the ongoing pandemic and health concerns. The couple tied the knot a few days back while they are planning a traditional ceremony in the mid-next year for whose who couldn’t join their celebration due to the precautionary measures.
“Being an actor, I have to pretend in front of the camera all the time, but I have found a partner with whom I get to be myself. I’ve always said that I’m a ‘wanderer’ and I’ve finally found the right companion. I am looking forward to my never-ending travels with her,” the actor had shared with DNA a while ago.
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